Management Philosophy
Management in the art classroom is essential to having a productive and safe studio space. There are many things to think about in regard to management and it always depends on the teacher and students. In order for me to have an effective classroom I need to do the following:
Classroom Setup
Classroom Setup
- Tables or desks pushing into groups to encourage collaboration
- Self-serve classroom, students are able to get their own supplies
- Materials needed are easily accessible
- Board that explains the learning target, goals for the project, and agenda
- All learning styles need to be considered when writing a lesson plan
- Understand students individual needs and create accommodation/modifications for those needs
- Quickly address behavior in order to set expectations
- All students work differently at different paces
- Set expectations with students at beginning of semester
- Stay calm and positive
- Make appropriate accommodations for students who need them
- Address issues quickly
- Create lessons that students can relate to
- Students are always respectful to each other, materials, classroom, and teacher
- Students clean up and take care of work areas
- Students are productive and working during class